Fyrkantspress New Holland Bigbaler 1270 plus från Nederländerna leasing på Truck1, ID: 9444378

New Holland Bigbaler 1270 plus leasing

Leasa New Holland Bigbaler 1270 plus

Publicerad: 2mån. 10dag.

Leasa New Holland Bigbaler 1270 plus New Holland Bigbaler 1270 plus: bild 1
Leasa New Holland Bigbaler 1270 plus New Holland Bigbaler 1270 plus: bild 2
Leasa New Holland Bigbaler 1270 plus New Holland Bigbaler 1270 plus: bild 3
Leasa New Holland Bigbaler 1270 plus New Holland Bigbaler 1270 plus: bild 4
Leasa New Holland Bigbaler 1270 plus New Holland Bigbaler 1270 plus: bild 5
Leasa New Holland Bigbaler 1270 plus New Holland Bigbaler 1270 plus: bild 6
Leasa New Holland Bigbaler 1270 plus New Holland Bigbaler 1270 plus: bild 7
Leasa New Holland Bigbaler 1270 plus New Holland Bigbaler 1270 plus: bild 8
Leasa New Holland Bigbaler 1270 plus New Holland Bigbaler 1270 plus: bild 9
Leasa New Holland Bigbaler 1270 plus New Holland Bigbaler 1270 plus: bild 10
Leasa New Holland Bigbaler 1270 plus New Holland Bigbaler 1270 plus: bild 11
Leasa New Holland Bigbaler 1270 plus New Holland Bigbaler 1270 plus: bild 12
Leasa New Holland Bigbaler 1270 plus New Holland Bigbaler 1270 plus: bild 13
Leasa New Holland Bigbaler 1270 plus New Holland Bigbaler 1270 plus: bild 14
Leasa New Holland Bigbaler 1270 plus New Holland Bigbaler 1270 plus: bild 15
Leasa New Holland Bigbaler 1270 plus New Holland Bigbaler 1270 plus: bild 16
Leasa New Holland Bigbaler 1270 plus New Holland Bigbaler 1270 plus: bild 17
Leasa New Holland Bigbaler 1270 plus New Holland Bigbaler 1270 plus: bild 18
Leasa New Holland Bigbaler 1270 plus New Holland Bigbaler 1270 plus: bild 19
Leasa New Holland Bigbaler 1270 plus New Holland Bigbaler 1270 plus: bild 20
Ask for all available pictures

Publicerad: 2mån. 10dag.



9800 km


Netherlands, Dijkgraaf 15 6721 NJ Bennekom the Netherlands
Mer information

Type: Baler

Year of manufacture: 2022

Field of application: Agriculture

Technical condition: good

Visual appearance: good

Please contact Jan van de Westeringh (+31645382436, Jan@lmbroelofs.nl), Rene Mooijman (+31657440315, rene@lmbroelofs.nl) or Verkoop (+31318414694, verkoop@lmbroelofs.nl) for more information

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t1 old test unit
t1 test unit - leasing - Agricultural machinery
t1 test unit - leasing - LMB Roelofs